Advanced Pickleball

Adult / Adult Recreation / Pickleball -
Fall 2024

This class is for adults who have been playing pickleball for two or more years. It will be aggressive competitive play. Participants must have knowledge of the game, rules, and etiquette to participate. Bring your own paddle. Balls are provided. Register at any time!

Advanced Pickleball (Fall 2024)
Wagner Education Building : WEB Gym
Tue/Thu, Sep 10 - Dec 19
6:00 - 9:00 PM

Wagner Education Building : WEB Gym
Saturdays, Sep 14 - Dec 21
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Wagner Education Building : WEB Gym
Tuesdays, Oct 22 - Nov 26
7:00 - 9:00 PM

  No Class Oct 17, Oct 19, Nov 5, Nov 28, Nov 30 & Dec 5

Already started

Price: $ 40 00